Sector Profiles for Leicester and Leicestershire
The Leicester and Leicestershire economy is diverse, with representation across a variety of sectors ranging from traditional strengths such as manufacturing and logistics through to high-growth areas such as space and low carbon.
The outlook for all sectors has shifted in recent years.
With this in mind, we have conducted research on 15 key sectors of interest to the local economy, to better understand the impact of both Covid-19 and EU Exit across our sectors and what the future could look like in the short, medium and longer term. We recognise that although all sectors are affected, the impact on each will differ substantially.
Our sector profiles cover various topics including economic and growth indicators and future skills challenges.
View Sector Profiles Below

Technical Summary Report
The technical summary report outlines the approach taken for each sector to produce these forecasts (including modelling details, definitions, and sources), before providing a summary overview of the results, and a final reflection on the implications for jobs and skills.