Following government guidance, the LLEP has now transitioned to the upper tier local authorities.
For Business Board recruitment please see here
LLBSP Document Library
You can search for and view our publications and strategies in our document library.

Covid-19 economic recovery
Through the Local Resilience Forum, we have led on the development of plans for our short and long-term economic recovery.

COVID-19 support
Visit the Business Gateway Growth Hub for a dedicated area of official guidance and support for your business

The purpose of the LLBSP is to lead and drive economic prosperity across the Leicester and Leicestershire area through strong partnerships, robust intelligence and innovation.
The Business Gateway is a single place for businesses across Leicester and Leicestershire to access business support and funding. You can receive tailored, commercially focused and joined-up advice – whatever your business stage – that’s free, impartial and delivered to meet your specific business needs.
LLEP Investments (£)
Getting Building Fund allocated to four key infrastructure projects across the City and County, including Sport Park Leicester and St Margaret's regeneration gateway.
Local Growth Fund allocated to 20 key projects to build new homes and space for businesses, provide high quality skills and training facilities and deliver key transport improvements
Growing Places Fund revolving loan scheme supporting 11 infrastructure projects which were stalled, or needed an injection of a short-term loan to accelerate development proposals
LLBSP Publications
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