Equality and Diversity
We are committed to diverse representation reflective of the local business community and the geographical area which it serves.
This is considered in the composition of the Board and sub-groups to ensure that a broad range of representation and views is reflected.

Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy
We are committed to ensuring that all Board Members and officers act in line with the Nolan Principles of public life. This policy provides the detail of how the Board Members should consider conflicts of interest and declare any interests in line with our processes.
![[Pictures Copyrighted to Beth Walsh] LLEP: SUE TILLEY](https://llbsp.org.uk/app/uploads/2022/11/PICS011-BW-1095-scaled-500x0-c-default.jpg)
Complaints Policy including Confidential Complaints Policy
We are committed to using our resources effectively and efficiently. It is our aim to provide an excellent service to our stakeholders. We recognise that there may be occasions when a stakeholder may not be happy with our service and might want to complain.

Whistleblowing Policy
We are committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity and expect all Board members and staff to maintain high standards of conduct.
All organisations, however, face the risk of things going wrong from time to time, or of unknowingly harbouring illegal or unethical conduct. A culture of openness and accountability is essential in order to prevent such situations occurring or to address them when they do occur.

Data Protection
Any personal data that you provide will be processed in accordance with current data protection laws. It will be used by Leicester City Council and our partners to deliver and improve services and fulfil our legal duties.
We will not disclose any personal information to anyone else unless required or allowed to do so by law. Read more about how we use personal data in our privacy notice on our website: www.leicester.gov.uk

Partnerships Policy
To share knowledge and best practice, we are committed to working in partnership with other organisations and government through the Business Board Network.
This will include regular attendance at relevant forums and workshops, the dissemination and exchange of information and the uptake of any appropriate training or additional support provided through the network.

Gift and Hospitality Policy
This policy does not prohibit normal and appropriate hospitality (given and received) to or from third parties.
However, hospitality is an area in which we must exercise careful judgement. There is a need to distinguish between low cost hospitality of a conventional type, for example, a working lunch, compared with more expensive and elaborate hospitality.

Travel and Expenses Policy
This policy sets out the LLBSP expectations in relation to business travel and the aspiration around selecting modes of transport.
This policy aims to minimise the environmental impact of business travel and minimise the financial impact of business travel.
This policy applies to all board members who incur reasonable expenses wholly, necessarily, and exclusively incurred in connection with the business.