LLEP Careers Hub
For many young people, deciding what to do after leaving school can be challenging. Finding the right information, and learning about the career options available, is hugely important.
The LLEP Careers Hub will improve careers education across Leicester and Leicestershire, expanding the horizons and raising the aspirations of our young people. Driven nationally by the Careers & Enterprise Company, Hubs deliver locally, informed by local skills needs and tailored to respond to developments in local job markets.
Schools and colleges in the Careers Hub will have access to support and funding to help them meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of excellent careers education. This includes:
- A dedicated Enterprise Coordinator to help coordinate activity and build networks
- Access to a fully funded course for individual schools and colleges to train their ‘careers leaders’ and receive a £1,000 bursary upon completion
- Central Hub Fund to provide innovative programmes
- Support with employer encounters and opportunities for work experience for students
For more information, please contact ean@llep.org.uk
Careers Hub Provider Access Statement
As part of our on-going work to support compliance with the Baker Clause so that all young people everywhere have access to information about every pathway available to them, we commit to this Careers Hub Provider Access Statement; this ensures that we follow a national model to have a clear and consistent way of engaging with providers when supporting them to work with schools and colleges. Careers Hub Provider Access Statement
Careers Hub Provider Access Statement