The Open Call enables us to understand the upcoming development requirements across Leicester and Leicestershire. Submitting a project to the LLEP Open Call portal is not a direct application or a guarantee for funding. It is the first step for us to understand what your project is and how we may be able to support its delivery for the growth of the Leicester and Leicestershire economy.
In order for us to assist each project, project sponsors are asked to complete a short Expression of Interest form and a Logic Chain which will provide outline details of the project.
LLEP officers will carry out an assessment of strategic fit, identifying how the project contributes to delivering the priorities of our Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), and the relevance and suitability for existing, as well as potential future, funding streams.
Projects that have strategic fit and that are suitable for an identified funding stream will be invited to complete a full Business Case. Officers of the LLEP will be available throughout the process to provide guidance and support.