To support businesses and assist growth and regeneration by improving the road network
The Headlines
- Investment: £3.25m
- Project Sponsors: Leicestershire County Council
- Start date: April 2016
- Status: Complete

With ambitious plans for the development of ‘New Lubbesthorpe’, including a new village and amenities, the initial stage was to undertake improvements to the road network to ensure that it had the capacity to manage the increase in traffic.

Located around M1/J21 extending south along the B4114 to the Strategic Employment Sites (SES) access point on Leicester Lane, the project involved providing the ability to travel from Leicester Lane southbound on the B4114, and an access junction from Leicester Lane to the SES. The access junction and Leicester Lane/B4114 junction directly support the delivery of an estimated 1,600 jobs at the SES site.

Without the project, transport modelling has shown that congestion levels in and around M1 junction 21 will increase markedly, affecting the efficient operation of existing businesses and having the potential to detract inward investment opportunities and people visiting Leicester for leisure and tourism purposes.
These improvements will support the efficient operation of existing businesses in the area and assist future growth and regeneration. It will improve the capacity of the existing road network for residents and support the early delivery of housing and employment on the new Lubbesthorpe site.
Project Outcomes
- Directly support the delivery of new jobs at the SES – 1,600
- Unlock the delivery of new homes – 4,250
- Support the delivery of commercial floorspace – 40,191m²
- Reduced travel time and fuel savings
- Improved accessibility for travellers to and from the SES