Investment Panel
The Investment Panel oversees and supports the delivery of our programme of activity. It is responsible for performance management of projects funded and operated by the LLEP.
The Investment Panel oversees the quality of business cases put forward for investment to ensure value for money and takes investment decisions under delegated authority from the LLEP Board.

Business Gateway Board
The role of the Business Gateway Board is to provide direction and scrutiny and oversee the development, delivery and review of our business support priorities.
Decisions are made in line with relevant strategies, to ensure delivery of the Business Gateway Growth Hub in accordance with the relevant funding allocated.

Innovation Board
The Innovation Board maintains strategic focus and thought leadership in innovation, on behalf of the LLEP Board and supports the delivery of innovation activity outlined in the MIT REAP vision document and the overarching Economic Strategy for the area.

Enterprise Zone Steering Groups
The Steering Groups have strategic oversight of Enterprise Zone activity and manage the development and implementation of the zones.
The groups provide financial assurance for operational and programme funds and receives regular updates regarding risk management and delivery of the overall Enterprise Zone programme.

Appointments Committee
The Appointments Committee sets the policy for board appointments and identifies opportunities to develop the capacity and competencies of board members.
The committee provides support if needed to the Chair, Deputy Chair and Chief Executive Officer in relation to any matters arising from the various groups with the LLEP governance structure.
In addition, the committee line manages the performance and recruitment of the Chief Executive Officer.

We are committed to ensuring that clear governance arrangements and decision-making processes are transparent, and that decisions made are proper, based on evidence, and capable of being independently scrutinised.
Leicester City Council, as the Accountable Body, exercises scrutiny of the LLEP in order to satisfy itself of the robustness and appropriateness of decisions prior to their implementation.